Alternative Project Delivery Division
The Alternative Project Delivery (APD) Division is responsible for leading VDOT’s statewide Design-Build program which includes developing the list of candidate Design-Build projects, developing and advertising Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and Request for Proposals (RFP), short-listing the offerors and awarding the Design-Build contract. The mission of the APD Division is to support VDOT in delivering projects by procuring design-build contracts consistent with applicable state and federal laws and regulations. In addition to procurement, the APD Division is responsible for developing and implementing statewide policies and procedures for the Design-Build program including post-award support related to contract administration.
All inquires regarding APD's design-build program can be sent to the following:
Shailendra G. Patel PE, FDBIA
State Engineer APD
Alternative Project Delivery Division
1401 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219
[email protected]
Jeffrey A. Roby PE, DBIA
Assistant State Engineer APD
Alternative Project Delivery Division
1401 East Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23219
[email protected]
VDOT and VTCA Progressive Design-Build Webinar
VDOT and VTCA held a joint webinar on March 8, 2022 to provide an overview of Progressive Design-Build (PDB) and the PDB procurement process. A copy of the presentation can be found here.
Design-Build References and Resources
- Procurement Manual
- Design-Build Procurement Manual(revised March 2022)
- Evaluation Guidelines
- Design-Build Evaluation Guidelines (revised January 2022)
- Design-Build Evaluation Guidelines (revised October 2022)
- Progressive Design-Build Evaluation Guidelines (March 2022)
- Instructional and Informational Memoranda (IIM) APD
- IIM-APD-1.4 - Design-Build Requirements for Advertisement
- IIM-APD-2.3 - Organizational Conflict of Interest Guidelines
- IIM-APD-3.2 - Design-Build Candidate Projects
- IIM-APD-4 - Federal Project Authorization for Design-Build Projects
- IIM-APD-5 - Proposal Payments on Design-Build Projects
- IIM-APD-1.4 - Design-Build Requirements for Advertisement
- Minimum Requirements for Quality Assurance and Quality Control on Design Build and P3 Projects, July 2018
- Minimum Requirements for Quality Assurance and Quality Control on Design Build and P3 Projects, July 2018 - Redline Text Comparison
- Minimum Requirements for Quality Assurance and Quality Control on Design Build and P3 Projects, January 2012
- Alternative Technical Concepts (ATC) and Process, revised October 2018
Notice: Any person, partnership, corporation, or other entity offering or practicing architecture, engineering or land surveying shall be registered or licensed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 4, Title 54.1 of the Code of Virginia.
It is an offeror's responsibility to comply with the requirements related to organizational structure, any required registration with governmental agencies and/or entities, and any required governmental licensure, whether business, individual, or professional in nature, and failure to comply with those requirements may render a submittal non-responsive.
- Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation:
- Memo from VDOT concerning SCC and DPOR
- State Corporation Commission:
Section § 33.2-209(B) of the Code of Virginia authorizes VDOT and the Commonwealth Transportation Board to develop and award contracts using the Design-Build contracting method.
Section §33.2-269 of the Code authorizes local governments to utilize the Design-Build contracting method.
VDOT's Alternative Project Delivery Division has developed guidelines to assist local governments.
- Frequently asked questions
- Guidance for Locally Administered Design-Build Projects
- More on locally administered projects
Standard Template Contract Documents
The Alternative Project Delivery Division has issued standard template documents for all forthcoming Request for Proposals. Standard Template Documents (Parts 3, 4 and 5) are provided below along with Exhibit 1 to Parts 3, 4 and 5 referenced therein:
Active Design-Build Procurements
- Design-Build Requests for Qualifications (RFQs)
- Design-Build Requests for Proposals (Single-phase RFPs)
- Design-Build Proposal Submittals and Rankings
Links to Project Websites (if available)
- I-64 Gap Segment A; Richmond District
- I-64 and I-464 Interchange Exit 291 Ramp Improvements; Hampton Roads District
- I-81 CIP MM 72.0 NB to MM 73.4 NB Accel/Decel Lanes with Bridges; Bristol District (available on
- SGR/BIL Bridge Bundling No. 1 (4 Bridges); Fredericksburg District (available on
- Fairfax County Parkway Widening Southern Segment; Northern Virginia District (available on
- I-64 GAP Segment C; Hampton Roads District (available on
- I-64 Gap Segment C Widening - Conflict of Interest Memo, revised June 27, 2023
- Route 1 Improvements at I-95 Exit 126; Fredericksburg District (available on
- Albemarle Intersection Bundling #2 (5 intersection improvements); Culpeper District (available on
- I-81 CIP Exit 143 to Exit 150 Improvements; Salem District (available on
- SGR/BIL Bridge Bundling No. 2 (7 Bridges), Salem and Bristol Districts (available on
Candidate Design-Build Projects - CY 2024
- Fall Line Trail Southern Section (Southern Terminus to Route 10); Richmond District, Total Budget $39M (Anticipated RFQ Release – TBD)
- I-81 over Middle Fork Holston River; Bristol District; Total Budget $15M (Anticipated RFQ Release - TBD 2024)
- I-64 GAP Segment B; Richmond District; Total Budget $244M (Anticipated RFQ Release – Spring 2024)
- HREL Segment 1B; Hampton Roads District; Total Budget $207M (Anticipated RFQ Release – Spring 2024)
- SGR/BIL Bridge Bundle No. 3 (5 Bridges); Staunton District; Total Budget $57M (Anticipated RFQ Release – Spring 2024)
- US 29/Fontaine Interchange Improvements; Culpeper District; Total Budget $12M (Anticipated RFQ Release – Spring 2024)
- Route 58 Vesta; Salem District; Total Budget $235M (Anticipated RFQ Release – Summer 2024)
- McMullen Bridge – Route 660 Replacement; Bristol District; Total Budget $15M (Anticipated RFQ Release – Summer 2024)
- SGR/BIL Bridge Bundle No. 4 (5 Bridges); Richmond and Lynchburg Districts; Total Budget $86M (RFQ Release – Summer 2024)
Potential Design-Build Projects
It is anticipated the projects below will be advertised using the Design-Build project delivery method. The list is subject to change at any time without notice, including delivery method (Design-Build or Design-Bid-Build).
- I-81 NB Widening MM 128 to MM 137; Salem District (Anticipated RFQ Release – 2025)
- I-81 NB & SB Widening MM 313 to MM 317; Staunton District (Anticipated RFQ Release – 2026)
- I-81 NB Widening MM 116 to MM 128; Salem District (Anticipated RFQ Release – 2028)
Design-Build Projects Under Contract (Construction)
Bristol District
- I-77 Bridge Replacement over Route 606
Culpeper District
- Transportation Improvements to Hydraulic Rd. and US-29
- Albemarle County Intersection Improvements Bundling
Hampton Roads District
- Hampton Roads Express Lanes (HREL) Segment 1A
- Hampton Roads Express Lanes (HREL) Segment 4C
- Interstate 64 Widening and High Rise Bridge
Northern Virginia District
Richmond District
- Fall Line Trail Northern Section
- VDOT Bridges over I-95 Superstructure Replacement and Rehabilitation Bundling
Salem District
Staunton District
- I-81 Widening MM 221 to MM 225
Lynchburg District
- No current design-build projects under construction
Fredericksburg District